Monday, July 9, 2007


Lest anyone get any double plus ungood ideas, I would like to demonstrate that my socialists, the moral leaders of the world, the great Canadian Illuminati, are better than yours.

In the National Post today was a story about a 19 year old losing a challenge to the Federal Court of Appeal, in which he asked that the government be compelled to show on his passport that Jerusalem, his birth place, is part of Israel.

The National Post newspaper reports that the Federal Court of Appeal (or appall), upheld an earlier decision that Canadian passport policy isn't discriminatory or a violation of freedom of religion, in refusing to name Israel as this boy's birth country. Apparently, the Department of Foreign Affairs cited the "ongoing conflict", (which I think means their disappointment with the lack of success of Muslim efforts to kill all the jews), as the reason for listing no country of origin on the passports of people born in Jerusalem.

The article goes on to quote Federal Justice Konrad Von Finckenstein, a learned fellow with a rather aristocratic Hunnish moniker, that Israel is the exception to Canadian Federal policy allowing passport applicants to choose their country of birth in disputed territories.

And then the balcony soliloquoy :

'The Applicant is completely free to sincerely believe that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, to declare this belief openly, and to personally teach and disseminate that belief. However, no matter how sincere that belief, it does not give the applicant the right to compel the Government to reflect that belief in it's communication with other governments.'

See how the great jurist made sure this sadly misinformed youngster retained his freedom to believe, and to even speak. Even so, although Justice Finckenstein allowed the applicant to maintain his delusion, no uppity petitioning penitent in a skull cap was going to tell Ottawa how to conduct relations with the sovereign realm of Hamastan.

An unrelated article in the Post details the resentment Hasidic Jews are bringing upon themselves buying up cottage country properties north of Montreal. The columnist recalls that there was a time in Quebec when there were signs around swimming holes proclaiming "no dogs, no jews". The same was true of Toronto, except the signs said 'no dogs, no jews, no irish'.

To paraphrase that oft quoted German cleric - don't kid yourselves boys. Once They, the totalitarians of the world finish with the jews, you are next, unless you want to goose step along into oblivion and hell, but in an environmentally sensitive way of course, reducing your carbon footprint, lighting the path with low wattage flourescent bulbs.

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