Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Shrug off relativistic ennui, shed it like the filthy fatalistic nihilism it is

You could ask John Galt. Plato was looking for him in the Discourses. Every generation has looked for him, or men and women like him. Strong, independent, sound of mind, embraced of a free and liberated vertical morality. A spirituality untainted by proscriptions, canon and bathing rituals. It is always possible to find a few like that, and it has come as an unexpected surprise to me as I watch the crest recede, that there are more of the pure among the young rather than the experienced.

My generation hasn't gotten better with age, but to my confirming horror, much much worse. We should have grown up enough not to tolerate racist demogogues like the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and their prima fellatora criminalia Richard Warman. We should have grown up enough to see immediately through a racist demogogue like Barack Obama, and sent him packing back to the irretrievable cesspool that Daly City always will be.

The issue is Afganistan. If we lose in Afganistan, we are lost. We, the powers of the Enlightenment West won all the wars, and thought we discredited all of the collectivist totalitarian charnal states that sickened the twentieth century. And yet, now we fight in Afganistan in a way that would have seemed impossible to any civilian or military commander at any time in history until Vietnam. We had hitherto fought to win, to destroy the enemy in emphatic enough style, with the express purpose of eliminating any idea of further resistence. Denazification was not talk therapy, it wasn't calibrated nuance, and nobody cared about Versaille as a damning root cause. Now we have non combat female Marines donning head scarves in a valiant effort to get the Afgan women and kids to talk.

It can not be said any plainer. We should not be trying to win the hearts and minds of the tribesmen of Afganistan. They need to be subdued and killed in sufficient numbers to stay subdued. In August, Afganistan announced the passage of legislation that allows Shia men to starve their wives for substandard sexual performance. The nuance is that this is a toned down version of previous legislation that formalized four day sex cycles. Of course it is. There is no end to the disgusting absurdities of the Afgan culture, and itemizing them is pointless. Almost all of it is worthless, socially toxic, and when you factor in what opium means to the funding of terrorists, and the enslavement and social destruction of heroin addiction, then that culture is homicidal.

France is on the right track. Faced with imminent societal upheaval due mostly the fallout of Algeria, and the French colonial presence in Africa, the French have moved against Islamic fundamentalism, and in effect declared culture war by banning the Burka. War because the closeted enslavement of women is the visereal basis of Muslim fundamentalist male identity.

We should fight in Afganistan, if a just war is justification for all the misery it inflicts on our fighting men and women, and all the death we must by definition inflict to subdue the evil for then and there. What truly is the cause in Afganistan? Stability? Stalemate? Suppression of the Taliban? A cynically calibrated withdrawal? The coming into existance of that imagined creature, the moderate Islamic Republic? Democracy? Democracy will come when the women of Afganistan are free, because only then will the head hackers and the stoners and the rapists and the Mullahs be dead enough to allow whatever decent human nature there is in the Afgan soul to emerge.

The first order of business is to destroy the heroin gangs and their weaponry. If there isn't the stomach for that, then we should acknowledge that we can't drag medieval societies into the 21st century, and get out of Afganistan now.

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